Thursday, March 30, 2006

It's Greek To Me

The iPod my wife and I purchased for our daughter's birthday gift arrived in the mail yesterday. While I was on the phone with work, she opened up the box and turned it on. Then, I heard:

"Hey Dad, I accidentally clicked on 'Chinese' when it asked me what language I wanted to select. Can you fix it for me?"


I studied Spanish for about four years, and could have muddled through that selection. I probably would have struggled through French too, had she accidentally selected that language. But Chinese? For more than 90 minutes I obsessed over restoring the language section back to English, but it was just too difficult. The Chinese was simply Greek to me.

I recalled that West Virginia blogger Raging Red ( posted information recently about an iPod repair company. So, I called them about my dilemma. And they told me how to fix it, even though I wouldn't be paying them a cent for the advice. Because of Raging Red and iPodMods my daughter (and I) get to listen to lotsa cool tunes over the weekend. Thanks a bunch!

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