Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Judging A Film By It's Picture

Alan Moore's Watchmen is one of my favorite comics. Ever. That it's being made into a movie is a little anxiety-producing for me. One never knows how such things will turn out; seeing something one loves done poorly can be overwhelmingly...sad.

Geez, that sounded geeky.

Ain't It Cool News posted this still photo of The Minutmen, the group of heroes Watchmen is based on, which operated in the late 1930s and through the 1940s. It's a promo for the upcoming flick, scheduled for release in March, 2009.

I dunno... I mean, it's supposed to be 1940 and all, but...

What do you think?


primalscreamx said...

The costumes are very 1940s comics. I like that they're not wearing spandex and look like they live at gold's gym.

Compare the picture to the other publicity stills of the latter day heroes who are armored or have that post Jack Kirby thing going on. It fits. In the comic, I believe that picture was taken after the group's Christmas party or something. They were all cleaned up for the occasion.

I am a huge fan of the comic and while I fully expect the movie to suck, because original takes on comic books typically get flushed for a shot at mainstream appeal (see 'League of extraordinary gentlemen' and probably 'Wanted'), the picture by its very cheesiness, offers hope that maybe, just maybe, they got part of that comic book story right. Here's hopin'.

Who watches the watchmen?

I do.

The Film Geek said...

Perfect assessment. I hadn't considered that. Frankly, I was simply wondering how the cheesiness would translate to younger movie-goers who might not have read the series. But I think you are right on.

Read Me said...

Love in the Time of Cholera was a pretty awesome, thought-provoking, beautiful-mental-imagery-producing book. The movie was crap.

eclectic guy said...

Don't know the comic, but the picture is great.

Since I like cheesiness, this photo speaks.

Anonymous said...

We miss you. Please come back.



Christopher Scott Jones said...

I'm holding out for the movie version of "Watchmen Babies in V for Vacation."

BTW, which Minutelady do you prefer, the one in the heels or the wholesome one?

The Film Geek said...

Chris: I prefer the wholesome one to save my life, and the one in heels later for the celebration.

Buzzardbilly said...

I didn't know if you'd see my response in my Comments section so I thought I'd pop in to ask whether you thought WVU would be conferring PhD's in Life on every West Virginian?

primalscreamx said...

Yes, provided they came up with a spiffy costume and a mask. I think we can all agree with that.

Anonymous said...

This is going to be an awesome film. I hope. If they keep it to the same "feel" Alan Moore used, then I'm going to geek over this film for a long time.

larryosaurus said...

I read "Watchmen" (courtesy of The) and kinda liked it. That being said....coming from a Marvel guy...the heroes themselves are kinda lame.

But! I feel that picture accurately portrays their lameness. So, in a way, that's a great picture of actors portraying those heroes.

I'm not writing this to flame DC heroes, I'm just giving an outsiders opinion of that picture.

Flame on! :D

The Film Geek said...

By the way, Jackie, I've been picking up a new 12 issue Marvel series called The Twelve. It reminds me a little of Watchmen, and...it's from Marvel. :)

Elvis Drinkmo said...

Whatever it takes to even these odds out a little bit for the DC fans ........ uh, I just remembered about Superman Returns and the 90's Flash TV show I just wasted about fourteen hours of my life watching. Nevermind.

Ian C. said...

I really question whether 'Watchmen' is something that will click with mainstream audiences, but people are familiar enough with (and accepting of) the superhero tropes that this story might resonate now.

But judging from that photo, Zack Snyder intends to be as faithful as he can be to the comics, which is pretty exciting.

All Click said...

I remember seeing this pic, but not the trailer..and I still can't get it to load now on this computer!

OH well. It is awesome.