Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Queen & Slim

Road movies aren't supposed to be like this.

Road movies are supposed to be full of hijinks, like Planes, Trains, & Automobiles or action-based drama like Thelma & Louise. It's even OK to have a blend of the two genres, like Midnight Run.

But Queen and Slim is something different. First time film director Melina Matsoukas infuses mystery and romance into this road flick.

We first meet the two main characters during a first date, but we really don't get to know them. Their names aren't revealed until near the end of the movie, and the nicknames "Queen" and "Slim" are never spoken. The audience must get to know the two just as they are forced to get to know each other -- a little bit at a time, and in and around dramatic events. The result is a slow-burn romance that isn't based in sex or want or desire; instead, the romance is built over time on true respect and affection.

I've been suspicious of Daniel Kaluuya's rising star since 2017's Get Out, thinking he may be a one-and-done wonder. But he is remarkable in the role of Slim, forever staying in the moment while still trying to stay one step ahead of the law. Jodie Turner-Smith is good as Queen. Her character is emotionally distant and difficult to feel close to (which is important to the plot), and that made it a little hard to have empathy for her for a long period of time.

Like Slim, though, the audience will eventually break though her hard shell.

Queen & Slim is a romance story built around the traps and pitfalls of a road movie. The acting alone makes this movie worth your time.

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