Tuesday, March 06, 2007

The Answer: Six

The Question: How many hot dogs could the Huntington Mayor eat, if the Huntington Mayor did eat hot dogs?

I love his Man Of The People shtick, but there is something simply funny about the Mayor of Huntington holding court at Hillbilly Hotdogs.

Maybe Hotdog blog could send a staff person over to cover the event, determine what "everything" is to Hiz Honor, and talk the guy into fixing some potholes.


Stanton said...

I'm not sure we can get someone there, but I sure hope he's not going to announce a new "Hot Dog User Fee."

oncee said...

I know David and I really never saw him eat a hotdog, but I know he likes pizza. His nickname when he was an undergrad was Papa John.

The Film Geek said...

Before he was married and when I went out once in a while, he was the Mayor of Sharkey's.

Anonymous said...

I bet he crammed six or seven down his gullet. Those are pretty good hot dogs.

Christopher Scott Jones said...

4.5 weenies in my review. Their slaw isn't so great, though.