Wednesday, June 20, 2007

It's More Than A State Of Mind

For the first time in my life, I have a legitimate sports injury.While playing basketball two weeks ago, I got caught somewhere between setting a screen--a helluva hard screen, I'll add--and breaking toward the basket for a backdoor pass.

Now, hitting the lane quick and taking the rock to the hole was pretty easy in my teens and twenties. And I still have the skills to get it done my head, at least. But, it seems the move I planned to make (and which was so seamless in my head) can no longer be replicated in a real life experience.

'Cause I'm old.

As I pivoted to the basket and raised my hand for the ball I heard and felt a small "pop." My left knee felt sore a bit later but I played on, chalking it up to the typical aches and pains that occur when a 42 year old thinks he can play basketball with guys a whole lot younger.

The next day, I couldn't walk up or down the stairs. Seems I've torn a meniscus.

Add this to the Social Security update I recieved in the mail this week, and my mood is fairly obvious.


Anonymous said...

Sorry about your knee papaw.

Anonymous said...

What a pansy. Walk it off, soft serve!

Kelly said...

Only thing worse would be that the person screening you was JB.

Anonymous said...

It wasn't JB. I think it was this 15 year old kid who used to play with us....

....just kidding. It's probably this one guy who's like a stone wall when he sets a screen (or gets screened).

Of course, it could've been TFG's screen on me. He tried, I laid my shoulder into him, then he called me a "redneck."

Go figure.

The Film Geek said...

Kelly: That screen was laid a long, long time ago.

Hey 75: You are a redneck. My comment had nothing to do with your playing basketball.

Hey Anonymous: I'll remember that comment the next time I'm asked to take out the trash. :)

Anonymous said...

I've never asked you to take out the trash, but if you're my guest! -Cara

Rebecca said...

Maybe you should send away for your little ride on motor scooter now....

Anonymous said...

Get well soon, Film Geek--the sooner you heal, the sooner you can come off the "DL" list in the Yahoo! fantasy basketball league!

The Film Geek said...

Hi Rebecca: I LOVE those things. That's a great idea! :) I might even start my own Scooter Basketball league.

Heya, Hoyt: Thanks, my friend. I'll be back to normal in no time. My knee, at least.

Unknown said...

Ugg, that bites. My mom just tore both her ACL and meniscus a couple of weeks ago... An old lady ran her over - for real. Let's hear it for manditory driver's license testing! (And here's hopes for a speed recovery, Geeky!)

The Film Geek said...

Thanks Suzy! And I wish your mom a speedy recovery, too. :)

larryosaurus said...

Next thing you know you'll be reviewing "Dreamgirls" and blogging about eating in the bathroom.

What's that? Heh, well I'll be...

The Film Geek said...


(Wait a minute, that really wasn't that funny, now that I think of it...)

My next blog post may be about Quaker Oats.

Barbie Girl said...

I seriously got woozy reading about how your knee "popped".