Friday, July 20, 2007

Pokin' Fun

One of the most enjoyable aspects of writing The Film Geek for the last year-and-a-half has been getting to know some of the other bloggers from West Virginia.

One of my favorite blogs, The West Virginia Hot Dog Blog, is written by a couple of goofs named Stanton and Chris James. In addition to knowing a thing or two about all-beef franks, both are pretty clever.

And both can be funny as hell.

Stanton recently took a shot at writing a tongue-in-cheek hot dog review in, what he described as, "the manner of The Film Geek." I'm not sure exactly what that means, but the piece sure sounded familiar when I read it.

Check it out here.

I mean, ...If you like that sort of thing.


Stanton said...

It wasn't a "movie review" it was a hot dog review. Sheesh, do I have to draw you a picture?

The Film Geek said...

Some days you do, my friend.

Actually, I recognized the mistake a little while after posting it. I'll change it now.


Barbie Girl said...

The DAY before Barbie Girl's birthday! Kick ass!

jedijawa said...

I've seen how the folks on NPR do that sometimes. The guys at "Car Talk" once did a hilarious bit where they mimicked the style of Ira Glass on "This American Life". It was hilarious!