He Who Throws Dirt Is Losing Ground
Bloomberg.com reports that China (the country, not the former WWE wrestler-slash-reality TV personality) has blocked the production of a Hollywood flick about the Japanese occupation of China in 1941. It seems China was concerned that the movie, which stars John Cusack, might portray the country in a negative manner.Someone should remind China it's rep ain't all that to begin with:
That just goes to show we have entirely too much dependence on cheap Chinese products!
No shit. Occupying Tibet and destroying all their ancient shrines don't make them look to hot neither.
Well, if all else fails, they can always hire the advertisers from their bosom buddies at Wal Mart to offset all this negative imagery.
I mean wouldn't that picture with the tanks look much sweeter with "Dancin' in the Moonlight" playing in background.
To be fair, the article makes it sound like the only thing China is blocking is filming on location in the country. They can't do anything about the movie if it gets filmed elsewhere. Wouldn't be the first time someplace stood in for some real historic location.
I didn't read the article, JDB. Maybe I should have. I just despise the Chinese government almost as much as Iran's and our own.
I'm one of the few people left who tries very hard not purchase anything from the "worker's paradise". It was the one thing me and hardcore right-wing grandmother shared in common- politically speaking.
I think that you just got us all blocked in the Pea Arrr See. :)
And with this comment exchange on the Wally, you've inspired a new post at Appalachian Greens.
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