Thursday, August 28, 2008

Doing The Job

Most Valuable Jobber(s)

Most Valuable Jobber


Christopher Scott Jones said...

Obama over Clinton was a little more Bret beating Flair for his first world title and a little less Arn & Tully squashing the Mulkeys.

The Film Geek said...

True. But like the Mulkeys, she didn't work stiff at the end, when it was important to do the job to get Obama over. And marks like me appreciate the work of a dedicated jobber.

Christopher Scott Jones said...

R U kidding? Flair taps the second that he is put into a sharpshooter/scorpion death lock.

Just like Flair, she fought her ass off but, when it was time to sell the finish, she put Obama over huge.

PS-If your gonna talk jobbers, don't forget Nicholas County's own Bart and Brad Batten. Granted, they might not both be from the Nich, but one did teach at RHS for a while.