Friday, April 24, 2009

Wild, Wonderful Whites Of West Virginia: The Trailer's Jackass Meets Jesco White and Family.

See it here.

I'm not sure what to think...

But, be warned: it's R-rated material.


Stanton said...

At least they don't bill it as a film about a typical WV family.

primalscreamx said...

I hope everyone goes to see it and gets death threats from the assholes just like me.

The Film Geek said...

Stanton: At least...

Although, the broad shots of the Welcome to WV sign and the Boone County sign suggest that. Should that same family live in New York City, I doubt the name of the state and the signs leading to them would be important to the title. The title, and those shots, suggest a common stereotype.

Bill: I was sorta hoping I'd get such a threat by posting the trailer!

Paige Hill said...

There are multiple mentions in the film (at least in the last cut I saw) that this family is anything but normal. For WV or anywhere else.

I dunno though. I'm not gonna defend or condemn it until I see the final cut. Although I must say there are moments in the trailer that I argued should be removed from the final film. But what do I know.


PS - And yes, everyone should get a White family death threat every once in a while. Makes for a great story if nothing else... "Mamie White threatened to throw me in a mine shaft one time..."

The Film Geek said...

"one of her three mine shafts up the hollar!"

Thanks for the inside scoop, Paige. We'll have lots to talk about if it's released.

Stay safe now! :)

Paige said...

It premiered at Tribeca Film Festival list night and appears to be receiving quite a bit of positive buzz. We shall see.