Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Please, Make It Stop: Part 3

My All-Things-Oprah sense went off while pulling up the Life section of USA Today On-Line. (Since USA Today hiked it's price to 75 cents while reducing the paper's width, I only read the on-line edition now. I'm cheap.)


My Oprah-sense tingled (and not a good tingle, mind you) and I realized that there, to the bottom left, was Oprah's picture. At first I thought I saw a slight trace of a halo above her head, but quickly realized it was the glare off my bedroom window. I re-adjusted my laptop and read that she is now being touted by some group for the Nobel Peace Prize.

The "Oprah For Nobel Peace Prize" group explains to readers that Oprah is a "friend to the world," and one of the few celebrities we "know intimately." They ask for a letter of support, and end their message with: "Oprah For Nobel Peace Prize. Now, More Than Ever."

I've watched the show over the years, and there is one consistent thing about the lady: Oprah thinks she knows the answers to life's mysteries, and to those annoying areas of grey that cause confusion in mere mortals. And like others who believe they are enlightened, Oprah feels the need to spout out maxims and parables, most of which she steals from the guests on her show. The Nobel Prize? Give me a break.

...Of course, she is better than Maury Povitch.


Ian C. said...

I don't know... I was pretty excited when she had Uma Thurman as a guest on Friday's show.

Of course, I don't think that did anything for the world peace process...

Anonymous said...

"...Of course, she is better than Maury Povitch."

Not that much better.

Anonymous said...

If we're going to make the Nobel Peace Award into a celebrity thing, then I think Bono might have something to say about all this.

Kelly said...

Maury is more entertaining! I love those shows about who's your daddy DNA tests!

primalscreamx said...

I wouldn't concern myself. Jerry Lewis has a better chance of getting a Nobel peace prize. Oprah, from what I can tell, is largely an American distraction.
And the only answer to any mystery she knows is the one about how to get vast numbers of people to give a shit about her with minimal investment by her. It's a neat trick, but it's the one she doesn't share.

Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.