Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Looks Like Someone Needs A Hug

I tell ya, I got no love for Oprah.

She hasn't done anything to me personally, of course, it's just that I am highly suspicious of (and increasingly annoyed with) people who advertise themselves as having The Answers. Paraphrasing experts who are guests on her show and writing a monthly magazine column titled "What I Know For Sure" might make Winfrey a guru to some, but that sort of soundbite style over substance gets no slack from me. Still, even Oprah doesn't deserve to be used for gain by someone writing a tell-all book about her life. And according to USA Today, that's exactly what's happening.

By her father, no less.

What I know for sure? That kinda betrayal freakin' hurts.

According to the article, Winfrey didn't know her dad was working on the book which, as reported, will be titled Things Unspoken.

So, I feel a little bad for Oprah today. It'll pass, I'm sure, soon after the legal unit at Harpo Productions squashes Vernon Winfrey like a bug. But for today, Oprah gets a polite thought sent her way.

And I'm guessing Vernon Winfrey's upcoming Father's Day gift will be the skimpiest in years...

1 comment:

All Click said...

"Happy Fathers day! Here's a lawsuit!"