Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Elephant In The Room


primalscreamx said...

And this has nothing to do with Obama making two meager appearances in the state versus The Clintons practically moving in. Some of these appearances pre-date the campaign.

This is being blown way out of proportion. He didn't campaign here. Racism is an issue in the race, just like gender, but it's not as much as 41 points.

Do you believe nearly half the registered democratic voters in West Virginia are ignorant racists? I don't.

The Film Geek said...

Bill, I agree he blew off the state and that played a role in this. But I do think white West Virginians are uncomfortable with people who are different than the norm here, including a race they rarely interact with. I grew up in central WV, and know the rest of the state really well. If it isn't outright racism, it's a level of uncomfortableness that's close.

larryosaurus said...

I don't want to stir shit up, but on election day I saw several buses with out of town plates parked outside of several polling places in C-Town. I'm just sayin'...

Oh yeah, the most racist DubV-ians I know are liberal elitists assholes who think they know what's best for everybody. And the hilljacks, miners, trailer trash, and rednecks I talk to everyday? Not so much.

The Film Geek said...

Stir it up, Jackie.

By the way, I said nothing about liberals or conservatives knowing what's good for anybody else. I'm saying this: West Virginians are, generally, suspicious of people different than the norm here. Incredibly so. Call it racism, prejudice, insecurity, whatever. But I've lived it and I know it's way too often true. In this case, it's my opinion the "uncomfortableness" is based in racial prejudice.

Anonymous said...

Sure, there's still prejudice and bigotry here in West Virginia--and the rest of America, too. But that's not what accounts for all the disparity between those who voted for Hillary and those who voted for Obama. The media--and that includes Drudge--has fueled this race issue, too. How many people were interviewed in that video? Five? Six? Take those few, add the infamous hillbilly stereotype, stir it up (or mix if you prefer) and you have a nice little byline and a good controversy to sell some press. Well, I'm not buying it.

Barack Obama is going to get the Democratic nomination, and this West Virginian cannot wait for the day when he's sworn in as president.

larryosaurus said...

Look here y'all, I'm married to Obamas biggest supporter...and she's WHITE!!!

Almost every Obama sign I see is in some white folks yard. White people (yeah, even 304-tonians) love them some Obama. So Hoyt is right, the racist thing is media BS, designed to fuel the 24 hour news cycle.

Here's a news flash: I know more people who would vote for a black man than a woman of any color anyday. So WV, sexist yeah. Racist, no.

Have I mentioned how much I hate talkin' politics? Damn you Film Geek!!

Anonymous said...

Don't make me call Glenn Beck again.