Monday, September 24, 2007

Film Scenes That Matter: Monty Python And The Holy Grail

I think I saw The Holy Grail at a time when I still thought Monty Python was a person. I felt a real connection with the humour, and the flick became pretty important to me back in the day.

This scene with the Black Knight illustrates what I liked most about Python comedy: irony, and absurdity.

"All right, we'll call it a draw."


Stanton said...

Every scene, I tell you, every last scene in this movie is important! The Greatest Film Yet Made! The one movie I would take with me on a desert island.

My family can have a dinnertime conversation made up from nothing but quotes from this film:

"Bring out your dead!"
"Com see the violence inherent in the system!"
"Bring us a shrubbery!"
"I's not a matter of how he grips it!"
"And to the count of three shall thou count!"
"What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?"
"You stupid English K-niggets!"
"Run away!"
"Oh mighty nights that until recently said 'Ni'"

The list goes on and on.

The Film Geek said...

I agree completely! In fact, I had a hard time picking the scene I wanted to use for this flick. (I almost used "Bring out your dead.")
In the end, though, I chose this one because it's my favorite.

JD Byrne said...

Hmm, I'd be hard pressed to choose this one or the "how'd you become king, then?" scene. Either way, it's hard to go wrong.

But I still like Life of Brian better. :P

jedijawa said...

Just because some moistened bink lobed a scimitar at you?

Great film and a great scene!

the laughing gypsy said...

Impeccable taste, as always!

Jenny said...

Oh, man... all the scenes in both Holy Grail and Life of Brian were great... but I was always especially partial to the shrubberies, and to the Huge Tracts of Land.