Sunday, September 16, 2007

Flashback! Bad Movies That Haunt Me: Gymkata

Waiting--along with 50 other parents each week, on over-stuffed couches and lounge chairs--for my children to finish up their gymnastics lessons can make for a long evening. I've tried bringing along a book for pleasure, and last week even resorted to taking work with me to do while I wait.

No matter what I do, though, each week I struggle with the same traumatic memory:


The mother to the left of me smiles as her young son lands perfectly off the trampoline. "The skill of gymnastics..." I think. My daughter does a round-off and effortlessly moves into a high toe-touch.

I smile. "...the kill of karate."

It's a whole room full of little Kurt Thomas' just waiting to become Jason Bourne.


larryosaurus said...

Ha! I remember being so damned excited to see this when it came out. Me and a fellow ninja-freak got the "mom drop off" and watched the whole thing. We were, well, a little underwhelmed. But that girl in it was hot though. What the hell was her name?!?

The Film Geek said...

Tetchie Agbayani.

(I had to look it up!)

The Film Geek said...

hmmm...maybe that's my next "Whatever happened to..."

Ian C. said...

Hilarious, TFG. I think you have a potential screenplay on your hands.

"He realizes that his little girl could also become a little weapon of justice..."

The Film Geek said...

That's an excellent tag line, Ian. Now you got me thinkin'!

Sort of like Sky High. Except gymnastics. And..., well...karate.

(I may reconsider.)

Ian C. said...

Here's another one:

"He raised her to become a woman. She also became a weapon."