If you haven't yet checked out The Paul And Spike Show, click the link and give it a try. The podcast is smart and funny, and fortified with 8 essential vitamins and iron!
Spike Nesmith and Paul Higginbotham were, several years ago, the best talk team in Charleston's radio scene. They're reaching their stride again with this weekly podcast on Radio Six International. When Nesmith's dad, Old Spike, stops by with a bottle of spirits, the trio really rock.Spike and Paul have changed the title of the podcast a couple or more times this year, which is evidence enough for me to know they need my help! So, here is: My Top 5: Show Titles Paul And Spike Should Consider:1. "Paul, Spike & Old Spike: The Sound You Hear Is Ice Clanking In My Bourbon, But Don't Call Me Shirley."
2. "The Paul & Spike Show: It's Not An AA Meeting...Yet!"
3. "The Paul & Some Guy Pretending To Be Scottish Show"4. "Paul & Spike: We Don't Need No Stinkin' Scripts!"5. "Paul & Spike: Radio Six International Never Met 'Em Before The Hire."